
Creative Madness


Yes, I will tell you from first hand experience….

There is a place where you will experience the burnout and madness of over-creating.


A while ago I read and article about Steve Jobs and what he said on his deathbed.

What he talked about in that article, was how important enjoying the process of work is compared to the pursuit of income.

I cannot tell you how important or how true to me that is.

Frequently I wonder what is going through your mind as your read my words.

What’s the payoff for you?

Do you just like my work and want to support even the stuff you don’t like?

Or, am I really reaching into your heart and pulling out the words you wish to share with the world yourself?

Regardless of what I think, or what my opinion is, don’t stop your own creativity.

Even if it’s through me.

Don’t stop your constant search for new perspectives, experiences, and of course, breakthroughs.

That is, unless your pets start talking to you in Swahili.

If that happens, it’s time to go lay down and try again tomorrow….


Image Credit Jude Hill

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