
Frozen Memories


This is the eighth song to the upcoming album Unraveled Distance First Take Guitar Series.

The first take series, if you’re not already familiar with them, are just that.  I sit with a specific instrument (guitar in this case) and simply play.  Whatever comes out, comes out.  I then go back and score instruments over that track-layer.

These songs are, of course, a lot more mellow than the just released album “The Path“.  Writing them has  been relaxing, and to me, even healing.

Give yourself a few minutes and enjoy this extended version.

Think about your life, what moves you the most, and what your heart holds dearest.

The song includes cello, violin, ethereal sounds, acoustic guitar, piano, and orchestra.

You may even hear some similarities from my past work within this song.

PS For those interested, this album will be released in September.

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