Music Stories

Threads of Tessera Story Download


Threads of Tessera mockup smallNOTE: This page has been updated to include the FULL story for you to listen to and experience.
Enjoy the Journey,

If you would like to purchase the full album (music behind the story), you may do so by CLICKING HERE.

You can download the story (below) by clicking on the down arrow next to the Soundcloud logo on the player.

  1. terri

    for 15 days—i have been sorting through 6000+ pounds of household goods that i had stored in Arizona and trucked to Michigan.

    many reflections appeared to me—
    electronics are so advanced from the year 2000—
    cotton is not soft cuddly cotton anymore—it is a combination of cotton and whatever they do to it to make it stretch—
    i could not remember some people in my pictures—
    i could not recall what certain energy devices were and how they were used—

    storage for computers has taken giant leaps—

    books about food and health have dramatically changed because of new knowledge and the way food is processed these days—-

    spirituality and energy healing has been brought into the open for all to learn about—

    my biggest question to myself was WHY did i keep all that i kept?

    my answer is not in present time—it is in past-time when i was living the packing days of Arizona—that Terri was in great loss and did not know how to release herself—so she saved everything—

    your song today—reflects the urgency of taking steps and faster steps—then, a voice in the background is soothing and asking me to slow down—and, at the end i realized i have learned to call Source into every situation—

    and, i have donated most of my 6000 pounds to goodwill and to my Honduras neighbors who take a load of clothes and such to the Hondurans wastelands every 3 months—Alex lived in a box with his mother when he was a child—puts a whole new perspective on my 6000 pounds of stuff i haven’t seen for 16 years.

    your song takes me on this ride and this peace—

    thanks, Adam—another winner—

    • Adam King

      What a great story and yes, the discussion of clutter and “getting rid of what doesn’t serve us” is one I’d like to continue.

      Giving is a wonderful, wonderful thing for all parties.

      I’d be lying if I didn’t say it was for me too. This morning I noticed a book on my bedroom floor. The question of its value to me immediately came into my mind.

      If it has value then it wouldn’t be on my floor. And, if it has no value, then it’s something that can take up space I’d rather use for something else.

      (Like not tripping and breaking my leg on a book I don’t want anymore.)

      So much more to talk about, but none more important than sharing how grateful your neighbors must be for receiving your belongings.

      Good on you. 🙂

  2. Terri

    I keep asking myself —-will i want this in a year??? Will this be useful to me in 6 months???? Will someone else benefit from my gift that has been sitting in a container for 16 years?

    So many books that are so obsolete since 20000—-for others, they may be what they need to begin their transformation
    —–so far i have gven goodwill 2000 books or more

    My saddest part came with my sea pictures—-yet, i gave 3 so far to a friend that will treasure them

    How good that feels!!

    Yes it is a conversation that brings great dividends!!! Even if we have it within ourselves in the privacy of our hearts.

    We forget that a new move takes us to a new place in the fields of love and we will be provided for in that new place in ways that will seem miraculous

    I know i am on my way to new move—-my 51st—-yahoo

    Thanks adam

  3. Cyndi

    The combination of the music and story brought me to a place of quiet and reflection. As I continued to listen I could feel the :scattered” parts of myself come together so that I could be present to what was occurring.

    As the story concluded and I continued to allow myself a few moments of stillness I realized I could see myself in the Man, the Old Woman, the little boy on a tether, and even his Mom

    This story will stay with me for a long time – I am very grateful, Adam, to know you, and to be part of the mosaic that makes up your life

    With Love

    • Adam King

      Thank you so much Cyndi for the beautiful reflection. And of course, the feeling is mutual.
      And thank you with all my heart for sharing this today.
      You actions and words mean the world to me.

      • Patricia

        First, thank you Cyndi for this introduction to another special work by Adam King. The works from your collaborations have blessed me very much.

        Next, thank you Adam for this story session. I enjoyed it very much, and it reflected and increased my appreciation for people who have touched and blessed my life through the years with teaching, mentoring, building faith and relieving distress at times.

        Further, being an old timer growing up in the years of radio as our entertainment at home, in addition to a healthy appetite for books due to early learning at home, I look around today and wonder how the young people can be introduced to healthier audio experiences.

        My observation is that your clear and patient narrative, suspense, and unfolding solutions style, complemented by background music that follows the emotion of the story, might be delightful for young listeners also.

        Best wishes for your continued success as you create these works in that state of joy.

        Best regards,

        • Adam King

          Thank you so much for the kind words, and even more so for the insights.

          I agree, and will continue to work on my craft (and hopefully my marketing) to get these works out to a broader audience.

          One thing I know for sure, is that we do need more innovative and stylistic teachings not just for ourselves, but like you said, for our youth.

          Hopefully I can fit that bill in the near future.

  4. Terri

    I have been meditating on your story

    U are a natual story teller and amazingly good at calling our emotions to the surface
    This is very healing for all of us

    As i look back on my, life i see that I have always made the deciison to do what i did and to be what i have become

    Many times i took what seemed a wrong turn but it always turned out to be a good decision.

    The story is beautiful and the implications are many

    Thanks for calling forth within me the knowingness that there are really no wrong decisions. A big knowingness for me.

    I look forward to more stories and more realizations from your work

    Thank you, Adam

    • Adam King

      Thank you so much Terri and of course, for sharing your experience.

      I do have a confession to make.

      Threads of Tessera isn’t alone. There is a second story coming in a few days.

      And yes, I an honored to be able to continue this work as your validation gives me the courage and motivation to do so.

      Thank you for that.

  5. Siennaflower

    The old woman is him too. The story is circular, because the inception of the story includes the conclusion. The beginning contains the end and vice-versa. Past, present and future are contained in the circle, and only defined by at which point in the circle you are standing. The Creator sees the story as a whole. We are the Creator and the story.

    • Adam King

      Well Sienna, you’re onto it, that’s for sure.

      I’ll talk more about this on the call, but you’ve clearly have gotten a piece of “Timeline” within this story

      Very cool stuff indeed…

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